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Team Culture

Kids play sport for fun. But fun is more than just enjoying the game. It's enjoying the environment and the team culture.

  • Categoryculture
  • Last UpdatedSep 2021

We don't have lots of time set aside to train but don't think that every training has to be about physically doing stuff. A team that has tight bonds and plays for each other can be a far more powerful force.

Organising a team social event is a good way to help players and parents create that team bond. Usually, something outside of training and games is done but it can also be a good plan to do something straight after the game or training. Even consider making training short one night with the focus on the event can be a great way to change things up for the team members.

Early on think about a training that talks about the team culture. Get the players input on how we train, how we treat each other, how the coach treats the players. How the players treat the coach. Team protocols such as on arrival we shake everyone's hand. After training we have bind up in a huddle for the final talk. 

Some Ideas

A simple BBQ. Perhaps while the training is finishing some parents can be cooking the BBQ already for the end of training. Or of course, a family that loves to host.

Training Awards. Just like at the end of a game you acknowledge how teh game went and give a player of teh day award. Do the same for training. Talk about and promote the good learnings and effort and perhaps give a trainer of the night award.

Team Awards. The club has its awards but you can come up with team awards. Players player. The Team Man. The Play of The Year. Define these early, talk to the team about what they are and how to win them and then make an event for their presentation. 

Slippery Slide. The club has a 75ft slippery slide that takes up teh whole bank and into the pit. Use some hit shields as slides and it's amazing fun for kids and adults alike. It does take some effort setting up and pulling down but while up it's the easiest hill sprints you'll get the kids doing all year. Contact the club to see about using it. It's there to be used.

The Club. Talk to the club about organising a gathering, perhaps to watch a sporting event? Or even cook up a team meal. The club facilities are there to be used by the members.

Training change up. Consider once a month cutting training short and going into the club for drinks and food with the team. A great way to socialise with the wider team. Perhaps finish training ten minutes early and go in the club for lemonade and then finish with any team announcements from the manager there.

Book a changing room. Rather than get changed and ready out on the field. Talk to the club about using a senior changing room. Get there early and hang their jerseys on the wall just like the All Blacks. If you know someone in the Presidents grade their changing room is pretty awesome for the kids.

Rugby Match. Organise to go to a Harbour or Blues match as a team or even a Northcote premier game at home.

You may want to use the event to do some team awards where you acknowledge each player in the team about their own particular importance and contribution to the team and season.

These are just some ideas and if you have others to add please let the Junior Committee know so we can share them with others. 
