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Wow. What a season. At least we got to play.

And the girls played well. Thank you Darrin for your coaching, and thank you Paris for your regular support on game day. And a special shout out to the fairies who control the weather. It never rained on a game day or a training night (the perfect winter).

We had a good season, won some amazing games, and lost some, but everyone enjoyed it. Including the dedicated parents that followed us around all season.

There was a lot of skills on show this season a big step up from last year. It’s great to see the girls growing up and learning and game after game they improved and that really helped their confidence.

Try of the year: Brooke Hill scored an absolutely stunning individual try that shocked us all. Then three minutes later Rosie Beecroft ball in hand blitzed the opposition with a superb display of skills. Both girls share the try of the year award.

Thanks to our captain Emma Buckingham who led by example, I hope we see you again next year.

Thank you girls; getting to know you all made my year brighter.

U15 Girls Rip Gold

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