has been added.

2025 Season

Registrations for the 2025 season are open.

Follow these steps to set up your profile and register to play Junior rugby here at the Cote. 

Step 1: Go to https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au to create your profile. If you’ve already set up your profile, go to Step 2.  To register an u13 year old player, you need to create a parent/guardian account. We recommend that parents and guardians set up profiles for their Junior players after creating their own. Once you’ve created your account, click on “register” on the top left of your profile page. Click on “find a club” and then “link a new person”. Enter their details (first and last name, date of birth and mobile phone number). Click “sign up”. If their details are the same, it’ll show their registration details from last season. Click and link their account to yours. You’ll receive a verification email to agree to link the accounts.


Step 2: Register: Once you’ve set up your personal profile, and linked your Junior player(s), you can register as a player, coach, manager, referee etc. Make sure you register for all your roles at the same time. To Register click here. All going well, this will open with your profile sitting there ready to register. Select yourself/your Junior player and follow the instructions.


Step 3: Payment: Registration fees are $120 per player. At the end of registering a player, it will ask you to Pay Now. You can either pay online or via internet banking or eftpos/cash at Muster Day or one of the registration sessions. Northcote Rugby Club provides a discount for multiple players as follows: 2 players $20 discount, 3 players $40 discount, 4 players $60 discount. If you are registering multiple players and paying online, you will need to pay the full amount for player 1, and then it will ask you if you want to register another player at the end of the process. Once you register your second player, it will apply the discount to the second player, and so on if you add more players.


Internet Banking Details:

Account name: Northcote Birkenhead Rugby Union Sports Club (NBRUSC)

Account number: 06-0583-0125779-01

Please use the player’s surname followed by their first initial eg CarterD as the reference


In person payment details:

You can also pay via eftpos and cash at Muster Day or one of the registration sessions


Step 4: Registration Confirmation: You will receive an email to confirm your successful registration. 


Step 5: Weigh Ins: In addition to completing this online registration, players must also attend one of the registration sessions in order to be officially weighed and to pay fees (if not done online).


2025 registration dates:

  • Saturday 1 March - 10am to 2pm (Muster Day)
  • Thursday 6 March - 6pm to 7:30pm
  • Friday 14 March - 6pm to 7.30pm


Please note, players cannot be placed in a team until their fees have been paid (or payment discussed with a Junior Committee member).  Tackle players must also be officially weighed by a committee member before being placed in a team.

Learn More About The Grades

Northcote Rugby Club has been the place to play rugby in the Kaipatiki region since 1929. The Junior Club provides both tackle rugby and Rippa for boys and girls ages five and up. For more details about the different sports your child can play at Northcote, check out our Sports page.



What does indicative weight mean on the registration form? Please enter what you think your child weighs. As part of the registration process, most players must attend one of our registration sessions to be officially weighed, so they are assigned to the correct grade for their age and weight. You can check out details of team eligibility here.

When will my child be allocated to a team? The Junior Committee tries to accommodate all team allocation requests. Please note that we cannot guarantee your request will be met as teams must be formed based on fair player allocation, team numbers and ensuring team balance. Players will not be placed into a team until their fees have been paid, or a payment plan has been put in place.

When do fees need to be paid? Fees need to be paid ASAP to complete the registration process. Fees must be paid before a player can be placed into a team. If paying the fees will be a financial struggle, please contact one of the committee members by email or at one of the registration sessions. We can make a plan to ensure your child does not miss out.

What else do I need to pay for? Each player will need Northcote playing shorts and socks, a mouthguard and rugby boots. Shorts, socks and mouthguards are available from our Gear Shop, at our registration sessions and online. Shorts are $35, and socks are $15, and mouthguards are $8. (NB: These are the same shorts and socks from the 2022 season). Playing jerseys are provided to each team for the season and returned at the end of the season – these remain the property of the Northcote Rugby Club.

Do you sell rugby boots? We have a Junior Club boot donation and exchange scheme – it’s our commitment to support every child with the opportunity to play our great game. If you donate a pair of quality used boots, you may be lucky enough to find an exchange pair of the right size in our previously donated collection. If you’re not in a position to bring a pair to swap, come in and see us and hopefully, we’ll have a pair to suit what you need.

What is a weigh-in? North Harbour Rugby Union has a weight-for-age restriction for rippa rugby (J8 & J7) and tackle rugby (J6 – J1). Your child will be allocated to a specific grade based on age and weight. This is to ensure safety on the field for all players. Pre-season, players must be weighed to ensure we correctly allocate teams. Before the first game of the season, all players from a grade will play at the same fields, and a North Harbour Rugby Union member will be on site to confirm all weights for the team.

My child plays rip rugby. Do they need to be weighed? Weigh-ins are only for rippa (J8 & J7) and tackle (J6 – J1) teams. Rip rugby (boys and girls) is based on age, not weight, so they are not required to weigh in.

When will the 2024 season start? The first game for rippa (J8 & J7) and tackle (J6 - J1) teams is Saturday, 4 May. Boys and girls' rip teams start on Saturday, 11 May. The last game of the season is Saturday, 31 August.

What day is game day? Most rugby games are played on Saturday mornings. There might be some games where the coach arranges with the team and opposition to play under lights on a Friday. If your team is playing in a tournament, this is likely to be on a Sunday.

How long will training be and what days? This is determined by your team’s coach based on their availability. Length of training and frequency also vary depending on your grade.

When will we know, and how do we find out what team we are in? Once the registration process is complete, you will be contacted directly by the coach of the team your player has been allocated to.

Where can I buy Northcote supporter's gear? All our gear and merchandise will be available to purchase at all registration sessions. The Gear Shop is open regularly throughout the season, including at both mid-season prizegivings. You can also order at our online shop.
