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As we wrap up 2023, we can look back on another rewarding year of rugby.

As is common, the season gives us the highs of victories and the lows where it didn't go our way despite putting our best effort in. That's the great thing about sport, the lessons you learn, the opportunities you have to build character and the shared experience of doing it as a team supporting each other.

It was great to see many players return from last year, and we welcomed a bunch of new teammates.

Sam and Arthur joined us from Taka and slotted straight into the Cote. Sam is a dedicated player, always working hard and such a good attitude. Arthur, light on his feet with a great sidestep.

Rudi, a powerful player always gaining ground on the field.

Jenson returned and had a great season, as did Caleb - both of you have really grown in skills. Findley joined this year and always turned up with a great attitude and enthusiasm. Asher returned with upgraded legs and brakes... so did Riley who makes it look like he is jogging. Luke is fast & turns on a dime. It’s been a joy to watch you all carving up the opposition together.

No question this has been the best year yet for our U13 Boys Rippa and I'm proud of what the boys have achieved while retaining a great attitude. It’s been an honour to coach you guys, hope you enjoyed it.

Lastly thanks to Mike and Sarah who have managed the team this year, It's been a great help to have the support, it makes a big difference. Appreciate it. PS: amazing stats!


U13 Boys Maroon

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