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Another highly enjoyable and competitive season from the U15 Black team this year. The team made some great progress during the year, particularly in their attitude and perseverance which was really pleasing for the coaching and management team. We would have won more games than we lost, and while that’s important, it was the girls’ attitude to never give up that was so special.

On attack, there were very few players who could stay with our flyers, in particular Jude and Holly, who scored some wonderful individual tries during the year. Our ball players and defenders through the middle were led by Hannah and Penelope, two of the team's most skilful and inspiring players. On defence, some of the best chasers included the twins, Mia and Sara, and Violet who often ran herself to a standstill. These girls also shone on attack, scored and set up some great tries. Our big-hearted players who like the rough stuff and showed great commitment included Mia M, Manaia and Zoe. Their competitive spirit shone and it was nice to see them rewarded with many tries and rips for their effort. The girls who continued to improve the most were Riley, Izzy and Isla who have all taken real steps forward this season, upping their skill set, playing hard and more consistently.

All of the girls developed their core skills throughout the year and brought some wonderful teamwork to our trainings and games. Kicking, high ball catching and your evasive skills were all highlights that you girls should all be proud of the way they progressed.

On the management side, Lou did a great job, and the team loves you. Suz did a wonderful job and seemed to take more and more on during the season. Sean has been a massive help with coaching, training and warm-ups, and isn’t afraid to crack the whip when this coach is being too soft! Referee of the year goes to Tony. Watch those hammies! Thanks to all the parents for their commitment to getting their girls out of bed, off their phones and ready for the games.

A big farewell to the graduating girls who move up a grade in Hannah, Zoe and Jude. You will leave a big hole - good luck for your futures! The rest will make a formidable and tight team that’s full of potential for 2024.

U15 Girls Black

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