Bathroom Renovation

NorthcoteApril 8, 2024
Our long-awaited bathroom renovation is complete.
We couldn’t let the moment pass without officially opening our amazing new upstairs bathroom facilities and thanking those, past and present, who have contributed to this significant upgrade.
“It’s important to give a big thank you to those who helped get this project over the line,” says Board Member Kim Yates.
Firstly, a huge thank you to The Lion Foundation for their very generous grant. That funding was topped up by money raised at the Club’s popular Long Lunch fundraiser, along with funds from our Junior Club.
Thank you to the trades who have created these beautiful facilities, professionally and in a timely manner. Banks Construction and their crew of builders, plasters, painters and tilers, Prodigy Plumbing, Zed Electrical, Designer Benchtops, Elite Bathroomware, Tile Space, and Hale Manufacturing. Thank you to the suppliers who assisted with design, regulation advice, timely support and generous discounts.
Lastly, a very big thank you to Junior Committee Member, Carly Motely, who spent hours making sure everything was practical, feasible and stylish.