has been added.

Penelope Parangi


School: Northcote College
Club: Northcote
Position: Backs
Heritage: Māori / Kiwi

Penelope has been playing Rip Rugby for 6 years and tag for 3, with two big current successes from tag.

“first kick, chase and dive try”
Best Moment

Sponsor & Support Penelope

You can help me and my team by following our social media channels as well as considering my sponsorship options.

Sponsor my Jersey

I have three spaces which you can choose to sponsor me. The first is your name across the back of my jersey, and then there are two logo spaces on the shoulders.

You may even be interested in becoming the naming sponsor for the whole team, where you will get your name on the front of every jersey as well as across all our team gear.

Jersey Sponsorship

I've Got Ya Back Penelope

I have space on the back of my training shirt to list friends and family supporting me in my rugby.

I would like to say thank you to all the people that have backed me. My Training Shirt is now full of supporters and I look forward to showing it off to them when we get them created.

If you still wish to support me you can do so by clicking the donation tab above.

Donations are welcome

If you just wish to help me with a donation you can do so using the payment link below which allows you to pay online.

Support Penelope via a QR Code

And thank you very much. Everything helps.

Youth Rugby Festival

Get In Contact

We would love to discuss you supporting our U19 girl's rugby program.
Contact me, program leader, at darrin.robertson@northcoterugby.nz
