Parent Involement
Parents are part of the team and they have a big influence on team culture.
- Categoryresponsibilities
- Last UpdatedJan 2022
At Northcote we consider everyone involved with the kids part of the team and we encourage you to be involved. But we also know people have jobs and often other siblings so even though the will is there time may not be.
But there are a couple of things we do expect from you.
Keep in contact and let your coach and manager know as best as you can if your child will not be able to make training, a game or an event.
Your child is not in a representative or a selected team. At Northcote, you and your child are in a team and it's important that everyone treats everyone else with respect. Be thoughtful about how you talk about the rest of the team members, players and coaches, especially around your child.
On the sideline, at practices and games, keep in mind that no one is a paid professional. Everyone is there to ensure that your child has a game they can play in.
Supporting your own child is important and so is supporting other children in the team. Encouraging your child to support and cheer team players is also a fantastic environment for everyone to be in.
If you have questions, concerns, ideas, don't keep them to yourself. If you want to help out, let people know. When you contribute something you are helping the whole club.